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Inside Solvay - July 2019

SBS-EM re-accredited by the Association of MBAs and by EQUIS for 3 more years!
Last December, the School was visited by an international committee of experts, chaired by Dr Mark Oakley, academic consultant and assessor, for a full re-assessment of its Executive MBA.
We are delighted to announce that AMBA accreditation has been awarded for three years.
“Tangible, authentic, high quality”
The School broadly provided evidence that its programmes are designed to meet the key outcomes of a high quality MBA. Assessors were impressed by the diversity and quality displayed by the MBA programme (faculty and students) and the integration of the Career Advancement Programme into its design. They also pointed out the enthusiasm and dynamism of the new leadership that is of great benefit to the future development of the School. The Peer Review Report provides great perspectives for improvement that the School has already started to implement.
Last March, was audited by an international committee of experts, commissioned by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) and chaired by Prof. Peter Wolnizer, former Dean of Sydney Business School.
We are proud to announce that EQUIS Accreditation was granted for a further three years.
Among commendations of the Peer Review Team (PRT) are: comprehensive portfolio of the School’s programmes, faculty expertise, research excellence, strong entrepreneurial culture, outstanding corporate and alumni connections, and student-led initiatives.
The visit rolled out smoothly and the PRT was impressed with the high degree of professionalism and support services provided by the administrative and technical staff.
Based on the School’s Self-Assessment Report, visit and meetings with the staff and authorities, as well as the Student Report, the Peer Review Report provides a number of significant and constructive areas for improvement. Since then, the leadership team has already started strengthening the School’s comprehensive strategy and positioning. The next audit will be in 2021.
Congratulations to...
Bram De Rock, Vice-Dean of Research in Economics, was, together with his longtime co-authors and friends Laurens Cherchye and Frederic Vermeulen, the laureate of the 2019 Francqui prize in human sciences. This prize is awarded every three years and recognizes their pathbreaking research in analyzing individual well-being.
> Read the paper
Philip Vergauwen, Dean of the School, was awarded an Honorary Degree from the University of Jyväskylä (Finland).
> Read our Dean's testimonial
Paola Conconi, Professor of Economics, received an advanced ERC Grant of 1,817,096 Euro for her work “Trade Agreements and Supply Chains".
> Read more
Mathias Dewatripont, Professor in Economics, received an Honorary Degree in recognition of his contributions in the field of the theory of incentives and his scientifically based policy contributions to the prudential regulation of financial institutions.
CEO for a Day
Few months ago was the latest edition of CEO for a Day. During one day, Solvay students had the opportunity to become a CEO. In this issue, learn how was the experience and what they learn about it.
Keep Reading
Solvay Schools Alumni Golf Cup 2019
This 3rd edition of our Golf Cup will take place at the Royal Waterloo Golf Clubon the Championship Course of La Marache.
Golf Playing formula: Team of 4 players – Scramble (Stableford)
SAVE THE DATE for our next Solvay Business Voice Series!
On October, 24 will take place a Solvay BVS about "Mindfulness and Leadership". In this BVS, we will share with you the view of mindfulness being at the heart of authentic and impactful leadership.
Registrations will start on Friday 27th of September 2019.
Standard Essential Patents Strategy Conference
Come and listen to worldwide IP experts discussing quality of patents, standard essential patents, FRAND licensing at the Standard Essential Patents Strategy Conference on 10th of September at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management. Free entrance for students.
Programme & Speakers