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SBS-EM Teaching Awards
Discover the « SBS-EM Teaching Awards »
A reward for meaningful teaching projects!
The Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (SBS-EM) organises a competition, the « SBS-EM Teaching Awards », which is a manner to reward its pedagogical team, which is committed to providing students with a quality education! Excellence, commitment, creativity and innovation : these are just some of the words that demonstrate their know-how.
The SBS-EM Teaching Awards represent a unique opportunity to reward, through a jury composed of personalities from diverse horizons including our students, the cream of the crop among our academic and scientific staff, and to highlight their initiatives!
Objectives of the SBS-EM Teaching Awards :
The SBS-EM Teaching Awards target teaching projects that are part of a collective approach or linked to the learning objectives of the teaching profiles of the different programs offered by SBS-EM.
The SBS-EM Teaching Awards were created in order to :
- encourage and highlight teaching initiatives that go in the direction of a collective approach and/or are linked to teaching profiles,
- feed the teaching record of teachers and teaching assistants with a formal recognition from the Faculty,
- inspire academic and scientific staff and make them want to innovate and experiment.
Discover the testimonials of the Teaching Awards winners
- Marjorie Gassner - Winner 2021 -"Lifetime Achievement"
Marjorie Gassner
Professeure de Mathématiques« The "nomination" by the students for a "lifetime achievement award" is obviously pleasant, flattering and, above all, moving, but it also makes one realize that one is "at the end of the road", that most of one's achievements are behind one, that one is - a bit - old!
That said, it does provide a look back at how far he has come since the beginning of his career, including the evolution of his personal vision of teaching, adapting to changing technology and.... students." - Claudia Toma - Winner 2021 - "Senior Academic"
Claudia Toma
Professeure"I was very touched by this nomination because for me, it means above all the growing interest of the students in the psychological and social aspects of management. It is also thanks to them, to their exchanges and ideas, that the course has been enriched over the years. I am confident that our future managers will know how to make diversity a real asset for organizations!"
- Hugh Murphy - Winner 2021 - "Teaching Assistant"
Hugh Murphy
Professeur d'Anglais"I am greatly touched and honoured to be nominated by the students and selected by the Jury for the 2021 SBS-EM Teaching Awards & Innovation Day because it’s an acknowledgement of the work done to engage the students on a regular basis and to foster autonomous learning during the pandemic."
- Nadia Steils - Winner 2022 - "Pedagogical Innovation"
Nadia Steils
Associate Professor in Digital MarketingIt was with great emotion that I learned that I had been nominated for and received the Pedagogical Innovation 2022 award. Being nominated by the students is probably the most beautiful reward as a teacher, because it signifies the interest of the students for marketing management, but also the pedagogical interest of acquiring knowledge and applying their skills through innovative teaching practices. Obtaining this award also allowed me to share my practices and my pedagogical vision with the teaching community during the Innovation Day, and also represents a recognition for the work invested.
- Laura Peralvo Maroto - Winner 2022 - "Teaching Assistant"
Laura Peralvo Maroto
PhD Student ECARESI was honored to be nominated by the students and pleasantly surprised to see that they liked my teaching. It is a real pleasure to have been able to share my knowledge and it is important to me that this knowledge be learned in the best possible conditions.
Here are the candidates and winners of the lasts years :
SBS-EM Teaching Awards - Edition 2019
- Senior Academic
Martine George - Class/Project : "Utiliser des données pour la prise de décision" - Winner
- Estelle Cantillon - Class/Project : " Innovations pédagogiques pour développer les compétences transférables "
- Heiko Hesse - Class/Project : Advanced topics in macroeconomics
- Hugues Pirotte - Class/Project : "La Pédagogie intuitive et ludique et préparation à la vie professionnelle"
- Laurence Rongy - Class/Project : La chimie pour les INGE
- Sandra Rothenberger - Class/Project : S.A.V.E.D strategy
- Bruno van Pottelsberghe - Class/Project : Travaux de groupes en grands auditoires
- Junior Academic
John van der Linden - Class/Project : Field Project Strategy, management and Entrepreneurship - Winner
- Teaching Assistant
Robin De Gernier - Class/Project : Développement d'un outil d'évaluation continue des étudiants - Winner
- Matthieu Gilson - Class/Project : Enseignement des travaux pratiques
- Moritz Hennicke - Class/Project : Enseignement des travaux pratiques
- Carmela Milano - Class/Project : Coordination du programme de Digital Master Academy
- Team
Estelle Cantillon - Class/Project : Sustainability @ Solvay - Winner
- Pinar Celik, Elise Dermine - Class/Project : Regards croisés psychologie et droit
- Thomas Demuynck, Bram De Rock, Marjorie Gassner - Class/Project : MATH-S-101, MATH-S-201, ECON-S-202, MATH-S-400, MATH-S-401 : Intégration des cours de math et micro
- Marc Haelterman, Laurence Rongy - Class/Project : TP commun de thermodynamique
SBS-EM Teaching Awards - Edition 2020
- Senior Academic
Marjorie Gassner - Class/project : "Mathématiques générale: analyse et algèbre linéaire / Mathématique : fonctions de plusieurs variables " - Winner
- Michel Allé - Class/Project : "Séminaire pluridisciplinaire"
- Antonio Estache - Class/Project :"Business Economics Workshops"
- Marek Hudon - Class/Project : "Managing social enterprise"
- Evelyne Vanpoucke - Class/Project : "International supply chain management"
- Michel Verstraeten - Class/Project : "Comportement organisationnel et leadership"
- Junior Academic
- Judith Behrens - Class/Project : "Introduction to entrepreneurship"
- Teaching assistant
Charles Hoffreumon - Cours/Projet : "Introduction à l'Informatique / Business Intelligence and Data Science / Digital Business" - Winner
- Hugh Murphy - Class/Project : "Anglais II "
- Matthieu Arnhem - Class/Project : "Connaissances fondamentales et éléments de pysique"
- Team
Judith Behrens and Patrick Reichert - Class/Project : "Social Entrepreneurship" - Winners
- Sandra Rothenberger - Class/Project : "Advanced Marketing Management"
SBS-EM Teaching Awards - Edition 2021
- Lifetime Achievement
Marjorie Gassner - Class/Project : "Ensemble de la carrière + MATH-S201 - Mathématique générale : analyse et algèbre linéaire" - Winner
Faska Khrouz - Class/Project :"Ensemble de la carrière + GEST-S2001 (Partie Analyse des Etats Financiers)" - Winner
- Academic Director
Hugues Pirotte - - Class/Project : "Présidence de jury du master en ingénieur de gestion" - Winner
Evelyne Vanpoucke - Class/Project : "Présidence de jury du master en management" - Winner
- Senior Academic
Claudia Toma - Class/Project : "Managing diversity and multiculturality" - Winner
- Davy Paindaveine - Class/Project :" Probabilités, inférence statistique et recherche opérationnelle"
- Junior Academic
Julie De sadeleer - Class/Project : "Mathématique : algèbre linéaire II et fonctions de plusieurs variables" - Winner
- Salva Bertomeu - Class/Project : "The economics of regulation"
- Remote Teaching
Bram de Rock - Class/Project : "Microeconomics theory : consumer and producer choice"
Catherine Dehon - Class/Project : "STAT-S202 (pour les quizz)" - Winner
- Team
Equipe Néerlandais* - Class/Project : "Néerlandais" - Winners
- Equipe Apéro-délégués - Class/Project : "Pour les appels de coordination du lundi soir"
- Teaching Assistant
Hugh Murphy - Class/Project : " Anglais III " - Winner
- Matthieu Arnhem - Class/Project : "Physique des technologies de l'information "
- Nezar Bennala - Class/Project : "Statistique descriptive et éléments de probabilités"
- Valérie De Cock - Class/Project : " Negociation skills"
SBS-EM Teaching Awards - Edition 2022
- Teaching Assistant
Ilaria Natali - Winner
Laura Peralvo Maroto - Winner
- Sustainability champions
Soirée de l’engagement sociétal des étudiant.e.s - Winner
- Pedagogical innovation
Nadia Steils - Winner
- Benjamin Lorent
- Naïm Cordemans
- Renaud Foucart
- Career Review
Marjorie Gassner - Winner
Philippe Weil - Winner
SBS-EM Teaching Awards - Edition 2023
- Teaching Assistant
Gruwé Elisabe - Winner
- Valentin Dirken
- Sustainability champions
Julia Jadin - Winner
- Bertrand Colignon
- Teaching Academics
Philippe Emplit - Winner
- Nicolas Berthold