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Overall coordination and leadership
Estelle Cantillon is the academic director of the initative
What motivates me is the dual conviction that our teaching must reflect the state of the art, and that companies and public policies have a key role to play in the transition.
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Bertrand Collignon is deputy director of the Sustainable Development Initiative.
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Mathilde Ellyton contributes to the Sustainable Development Initiative as a pedagogical advisor at the Solvay Brussels School.
I think it's essential to reconcile sustainable development and education. We need to provide students with the tools and concepts they need to understand tomorrow's world. I'm delighted to be part of this great project.
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Thomas Ruetsch is a project manager.
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Théo Lefèbvre is a student representative
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Bachelor in business engineering
- Pathway coordinators
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Laurent Bouty coordinates the Energy and the Circular Economy pathways.
The Sustainable Development Initiative brings us closer to our roots, strengthens our values and is a catalyst for new opportunities within the School and with our stakeholders
Valérie De Cock coordinates the Work & People Pathway in the BA in Business Engineering and assists Evelyne Vanpoucke in the coordination of the Sustainable Business Operations pathway in the Master in Management Science.
The transition towards a more sustainable society and more sustainable businesses requires a revamp of our education system, enabling students to develop specific competencies in sustainability. For this reason, I am thrilled to be part of this initiative whose very mission is to be an agent of change in this process.
Philippe Emplit coordinates the Energy Pathway in the BA in Business Engineering and teaches the “Physique des technologies de l’information” and the “Séminaire pluridisciplinaire de Science et Technologie” courses in the energy and circular economy pathways.
Sharing knowledge and values is not about dividing them, it is about multiplying them
Manon Jacquot coordinates the Human Development pathway together with Philip Verwimp.
Sustainable and human development is the pathway to the future we want for all. I am therefore thrilled to be part of such a collective multidisciplinary teaching initiative
Bruno van Pottelsberghe coordinates the Circular Economy pathway in the BA in Business Engineering and co-teaches the “Sustainable Development and Organisations” and “Theory of innovation and entrepreneurship” courses in the BA in Business Engineering.
Getting involved in the Sustainable Development initiative is exciting for two reasons: first, it is really enjoyable to join a collective project that aims to connect the dots with other courses in the programme; second, it started, for me, a learning journey.
Philip Verwimp coordinates the Human Development pathway in the BA in Business Engineering. Together with Dirk Jacobs he teaches Social and Economic Development in this pathway.
I want my students to challenge me to demonstrate the relevance of my course for their generation
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Kenneth Bertrams teaches economic history in the first year of the BA in Business Engineering and in Economics. This course is part of both the Energy and the Human Development pathways.
I think that there is no such thing as lessons to be drawn from history. However, at the same time, I am convinced that learning (and teaching) history is the best antidote to fatalism. And this most certainly applies to climate change and the world we live in.
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Islam Borinca is a teaching assistant in the Work & People pathway in the BA in Business Engineering.
Human interaction with the environment has culminated in both adverse and positive effects. Therefore, when we strive to achieve our development goals, it is also important to think about the effect of these changes on what surrounds us. To that end, I'm really excited to be part of this massive project.
Virginie Bruneau teaches the “Marketing Management” course in the Circular Economy pathway of the BA in Business Engineering and the “Global Marketing” class in the Sustainable Business Operations pathway of the MA in Management Science.
As a professor of marketing, I find it crucial to be part of the Sustainable Development Initiative. Marketing is all about creating value for society. Sustainability and ethics should play a significant role in this value creation process.
Estelle Cantillon co-teaches the “Sustainable Development and Organisations” course in the BA in Business Engineering.
What drives me is the dual conviction that our teaching needs to reflect the current state of knowledge, and that business and policy are central to the transition towards a more sustainable way of living.
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Pinar Celik co-teaches, the “Psychologie et Droit du travail” in the Work & People pathway of the BA in Business Engineering.
Building a sustainable future requires an understanding of the psychology of individuals in groups. As a professor of psychology, I hope to contribute to a future generation of leaders who are aware of the importance of mental health and well-being as key elements in the establishment of a truly sustainable society.
More infoClothilde de Meulenaere is a teaching assistant in the Human Development Pathway where she coaches students for their participation to the Oxford Map the System competition.
More infoCatherine Dehon is the academic director of the BA in Business Engineering. In this role she supports the instructors in their projects and facilitates the integration of the Sustainable Development Initiative into the curriculum.
Try not to become a (wo)man of success, but rather try to become a (wo)man of value
A. Einstein
Marie-Paule Delplancke-Ogletree teaches the “Industrial Applications of Chemistry” course, which is part of both the Circular Economy and Energy pathways in the BA in Business Engineering
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Virginie Gutmer co-teaches the “Psychologie et Droit du travail” in the Work & People pathway in the BA in Business Engineering.
Development cannot be sustainable without putting people and their work at the heart of its approach. It is with great enthusiasm that I will teach this social dimension today to those who, tomorrow, will shape the future of our societies.
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Marc Haelterman teaches the “Connaissances Fondamentales et Eléments Physique” course in the Energy pathway of the BA in Business Engineering.
I am driven by the idea that we have no choice but to put science and economics together to tackle the big ecological challenges we face today.
Dirk Jacobs teaches the “Economic and Social development” course, together with Philip Verwimp. This course is in the Human Development Pathway of the BA in Business Engineering.
It is tempting to look at the transition towards a sustainable society as primarily being a technocratic challenge. However, reform and regulation will only succeed if the sociological dimensions of policy change (ideas, interests and institutions) are taken into account.
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France Lambinet co-teaches the “Psychologie and Droit du Travail » course in the Work & People pathway of the BA in Business Engineering.
I am very enthusiastic about the idea that sustainable development is put at the heart of the education offered to the entrepreneurs of tomorrow and this from an interdisciplinary perspective. I look forward to taking part in this initiative.
Margaux Le Gallou is a teaching assistant in the Circular Economy pathway in the BA in Business Engineering where she coaches students for their group projects for the “Sustainable Development and Organisations” course.
A clear shift is needed in the way we transform and use resources. For me, it is not only important to understand and support the development of sound and sustainable policies, but also to ensure that the information gets to those future entrepreneurs who will have to carry out the shift.
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Mathieu Peiffer teaches the “Gestion des ressources humaines” course in the Work & People Pathway of the BA in Business Engineering.
We cannot hope to create a sustainable culture with any but sustainable souls
Derrick Jensen
Philippe Ribue is a teaching assistant in the Work & People pathway in the BA in Business Engineering where he leads workshops on inclusion, discrimination and well-being at work as part of the “Psychologie et droit du travail” course.
The pioneering spirit is less about thinking up new ideas, as ridding ourselves of dogmas and habits that hold us captive in thinking.
Bertrand Piccard
Aude Robert is a teaching assistant in the Energy pathway in the BA in Business Engineering where she coaches students in their group projects for the “Sustainable Development and Organisations” course.
I am convinced it is essential to integrate sustainable development into the Solvay Brussels School’s curriculum in order to prepare students to respond to, but also to induce changes in our society and the business world. I look forward to contributing by raising students’ awareness to the challenges in the energy sector.
Laurence Rongy teaches the “General Chemistry” course, together with Thierry Visart de Bocarmé. This course is part of the Circular Economy and the Energy pathways in the BA in Business Engineering.
Sustainability is a global issue in which chemistry plays a crucial role, one which is also bound up with physical, human and economic concepts. Discussing these in an integrated way with the team and the students is an incredibly interesting and a meaningful experience.
Gilles Van Hamme teaches “Economic Geography” in the Human Development pathway of the BA in Business Engineering and the BA in Economics.
Les grands ne sont grands que parce que nous sommes à genoux : Levons-nous !
(Pierre Victurnien VERGNIAUD (1753-1793) et Élisée de LOUSTALOT (1762-1790))
Thierry Visart de Bocarmé teaches the “General Chemistry” course together with Laurence Rongy. This course is part of the Circular Economy and Energy pathways in the BA in Business Engineering.
I am convinced that integrating sustainable development into the courses of the Solvay Brussels School enables the key players of tomorrow to ensure a better life for our children and grandchildren.
Olivier Witmeur co-teaches ‘Theory of Innovation and Entrepreneurship’ in the BA in Business Engineering.
At the micro-level, entrepreneurs are the change-makers who can lay the foundations for a better future. The current generation of first-time entrepreneurs is deeply involved in the search for new solutions to current sustainability challenges. In our courses and at the Start.LAB, we are excited and proud to help them make this process quicker, more effective, more robust, thus creating greater impact.
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Bachelor in economics
- Instructors
Gani Aldashev co-teaches the new course “Introduction au développement durable” in the BA in Economics.
Sustainable development is an extremely important but also a complex issue. Economics can contribute, but economists can also learn a lot from other disciplines. Teaching this course is an amazing learning and sharing opportunity, truly in the spirit of inter-disciplinary and critical thinking!
Bertrand Collignon co-teaches the new course “Introduction au développement durable” in the BA in Economics.
Sustainable development is an urgent and interdisciplinary challenge that requires a combined effort across several fields. Sharing my expertise in biology with students, alongside colleagues from different backgrounds, is a wonderful opportunity to build a better world for tomorrow!
Amélie Géal is the teaching assistant for the “Introduction au développement durable” course.
It had become a necessity to integrate sustainable development into the curriculum of economics students. Conceiving new economic and social models that are up to the challenges begins with education and a subtle understanding of the relationships between social, economic and ecological spheres.
Roland Moreau co-teaches the new course “Introduction au développement durable” in the BA in Economics.
In the Western world, one generation benefited from the welfare and consumer society during the 'Glorious Thirties', another from 'acquired rights': a great success of GDP growth, unfortunately at the cost of the depreciation of the natural capital of the Earth. It is time to correct this through sobriety and sharing in order to offer hope and potential to future generations.
Andrea Rea co-teaches the new course “Introduction au développement durable” in the BA in Economics.
Sustainable development is a necessity for the survival of the earthlings and a fair economic and political project to ensure social equality at the global level. As sociologist, I am proud to teach Sustainable development within a multidisciplinary team.
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Master in management science
- Pathway coordinators
Valérie De Cock coordinates the Work & People Pathway in the BA in Business Engineering and assists Evelyne Vanpoucke in the coordination of the Sustainable Business Operations pathway in the Master in Management Science.
The transition towards a more sustainable society and more sustainable businesses requires a revamp of our education system, enabling students to develop specific competencies in sustainability. For this reason, I am thrilled to be part of this initiative whose very mission is to be an agent of change in this process.
Evelyne Vanpoucke is the director of the Master in Management Science and academic coordinator of the Sustainable Business Operations pathway in that programme where she also teaches “International Supply Chain Management”.
Supply chains can make a significant impact in promoting human rights, fair labour practices, environmental progress and anti-corruption policies. As a professor in supply chain management, I hope to contribute to training future (operations/supply chain) managers who fully incorporate these sustainable values into their decision-making processes.
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Virginie Bruneau teaches the “Marketing Management” course in the Circular Economy pathway of the BA in Business Engineering and the “Global Marketing” class in the Sustainable Business Operations pathway of the MA in Management Science.
As a professor of marketing, I find it crucial to be part of the Sustainable Development Initiative. Marketing is all about creating value for society. Sustainability and ethics should play a significant role in this value creation process.
Martine George teaches the “Data Management and Business analytics” course. This course is part of the Sustainable Business Operations pathway of the MA in Management Science.
In order to create a more sustainable and just society for everyone, we need to develop new education programmes that encourage changes in knowledge, skills, values and attitudes. I am proud to be part of this educational transformation at SBS.
Sandra Rothenberger teaches the “Advanced Marketing Management” course which is part of the Sustainable Business Operations pathway of the MA in Management Science.
Sustainable but meaningful with impact: the awareness of managing all aspects of sustainability in companies is growing. However intangible environmental, social, and governance aspects of sustainability and their influence on successful business has been under-investigated so far. Many companies are not able to make sustainability count! My main aim is to highlight and discuss the impact of sustainability to make it meaningful!
Claudia Toma teaches the “Organizational Behaviour and Leadership” course as well as the “Managing Diversity and Multiculturality” course in MA in Management Science. Both courses are part of the Sustainable Business Operations pathway.
Organizations aiming at developing sustainable business should be aware that equity, inclusion and well-being of their employees are core. I am driven to contribute in educating responsible and inclusive leaders, in guiding them to deal with important challenges such as managing diversity and change.
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Master in business economics
- Pathway coordinators
Marco Becht coordinates the Sustainable Finance pathway in the Master in Business Economics where he teaches the course Responsible Capitalism.
Capitalism is in the process of reinventing itself and sustainability is at the core. We have a chance to witness, analyse and influence this crucial transformation.
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Jean-Philippe Michaux teaches “Advanced Accounting” in the Master in Business Economics.
Today non-financial information (like CSR information) plays a key role in the interpretation of the performance of a company.
Bernard Nicolay leads the “Field projects in financial markets and services” in the Master in Business Economics. This course is part of the Sustainable Finance pathway.
Addressing environmental, social and governance issues in finance is a must for anyone willing to question the status quo and to contribute to a more sustainable world.
Yassine Boudghene Stambouli teaches “Banking and Asset Management” in the Master in Business Economics.
Phan D. Duy-Anh is teaching assistant for the Responsible Capitalism course.
To achieve sustainable development, entrepreneurs' interest should be changed from short-term profits to long-term value creation.
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