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Bachelor Programmes
Starting from September 2024, the Faculty of Economics and Management at ULB is expanding its offerings by introducing the English versions of its two historical bachelor's programmes: Business Engineer and Economic Sciences. The first provides the necessary foundations to train future leaders and entrepreneurs, while the second is designed as a platform that combines economics and management. The School's programmes remain both general and multidisciplinary, providing graduates of the SBS-EM with the versatility needed to take on various roles in different sectors.
Since 2024 the Schook offers both bachelor's programmes in either French or English.
French version :
Ce diplômé incarne la vision d'Ernest Solvay en formant des leaders pour les défis économiques et technologiques. Le programme multidisciplinaire offre des bases solides en gestion, une immersion industrielle, avec une emphase sur la maîtrise des langues grâce à des cours intégrés en néerlandais et en anglais.
Ce programme de bachelier prépare les étudiants aux masters en sciences économiques en fournissant une solide formation. Axée sur l'économie appliquée et les méthodes quantitatives, la formation explore divers concepts et thèmes économiques.
English version :
This programme aligns with Ernest Solvay's vision, preparing future leaders with advanced knowledge in management, strong understanding of industrial processes and economic mechanisms, along with language proficiency in English, French, and either Dutch or German.
Bachelor in ECONOMICS
This programme imparts advanced knowledge in economics, including general culture and languages for versatile graduates. Emphasizing applied economics and quantitative methods, the curriculum introduces theoretical concepts and tools in the first half, deepening understanding in the second half
If you have any additional question regarding the Bachelors taught in english, please contact Thomas Mussenge.
Updated on March 11, 2025