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Being engaged at SBS-EM
The School has decided to put in place a symbolical recognition of engagement, open to all students starting in BA2.
Where can you get involved?
From defending students' rights to bicycle repair workshops and film enthusiasts' associations, you can get involved in all kinds of projects!
If you want to get involved within the faculty, we invite you to take a look at the Cercle Solvay, Bureau Solvay, Campus Recrutement or Solvay Business Game pages. There is a plethora of active associations just within the faculty!
For more information, don't hesitate to visit the ULB Engaged page and to consult the Terro booklet, which presents many of ULB's committed initiatives.
Recognition of engagement
An engaged student is a student who spend 1 or 2 hours a week to a cause outside of their studies.
If you would like to be recognised as an engaged student, you will need to fill in the form when it opens in April 2024 for the 2023-2024 academic year.
This recognition includes a symbolic title of "Committed Student", and offers :
- A badge to promote on your social networks
- An official announcement at the beginning of the year
- Recognition at your proclamation ceremony
- A supplement to your diploma at the end of your degree
This recognition will be deliver under two conditions:
- at least 100 hours of engagement during your programme of studies (Bachelor or Master), which is about 1 to 2h per week
- Following one a type of engagement listed below:
- Humanitarian: actions to support developping countries: Ingénieurs sans frontières, Médecins sans frontières, ACTED, Oxfam, etc.
- Environment: Actions to protect the environment: fresques du climat, Greenpeace, etc.
- Social - Actions to support people in difficulties or minorities: Mouvements de jeunesse, Emmaüs, Belrefugees, Oxfam, etc.
- Artistic & Cultural: independants arts or cultural activities: cinéma Nova, théâtre amateur, etc.
- Student's societies - supporting or participating in a student's society: Cercle, Bureau, autres
- Social & Solidarity-based entrepreneurship
- Emergency services : pompiers volontaires, paramédicals, etc.
- Teachings & trainings - guidance, volunteering in school works
- Others (to define precisely, and under decision of the team)
If you wish to be recognised as an engaged student, you will have to fill the form when it opens in April 2024 for the academic year 2023-2024.
Engagement at the SBS-EM
For some years now, the Faculty has been committed to educate the people who will transform society. To guide itself, the school has drawn up a compass comprising four categories of key knowledge and skills:
Student’s engagement falls into the 'Action' category. Through their associative activities, students can put the other three categories into practice.
To find out more about teaching sustainability at Solvay, you can go here: Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (
Our Engaged Students
You can find here a list of all the engaged students since the launch of this project!
- 2022-2023
- Camille DE GROOTE - Campus Recruitment
- Jules SCHOOLMEESTERS - Student Entrepreneurs Club
- Hatim BENOTMANE - BE Solvay
- Majda EL HAJFANI - Bureau étudiant Solvay et Solvay Tutoring
- Théo LEFEVBRE- Solvay Sustainability and Business Club (SBC) / Initiative de Développement Durable (SDI)
- Matteo MACCANI- CISV International - Italy
- Simon MIKES - Les Guides
- Assia KHIYARA - Bureau Etudiant
- Louis DELABY - Solvay Finance Club
- Nicolas CHRISTIAENS - Solvay Finance Club
- Marie SERMESANT - 1. L'Harmonie de l'ULB 2. Cercle Amnesty International de l'ULB 3. Cercle des Sciences
- Shirin YAZGULIEVA - Solvay Consulting Club
- Aurelie GOORMAN - Cours de Applied Marketing Analytics pour les associations ULB coopération et BGU
- Charlotte PERZ - ULB coopération/ Ben-Gurion university
- Sara AKTURK - ULB Coopération & BGU
- Gregoire DENIS - Solvay Sustainability and Business Club (SBC) / Initiative Développement Durable (SDI)
- Lorenzo GIOLA - Solvay Sustainability and Business Club (SBC)