GEOINNO 2022 - Place in the Next Phase of Globalization 
Session organisers: Sami Marhoum and Alicia Garcia Herrero
A lot of the discussion around globalization in the past three decades has been seen through the lens of global value chains in manufacturing and physical products despite the fact that an increasing part of global trade is in services, especially, digital services. Thus when the covid-19 pandemic hit the world economy slowing down the physical mobility of both goods and people, many feared the end of globalization. But with the rapid shift to digital trade and interface, another form of non-physical globalization has emerged.

For more info about this session, click here

European health summit 2020 edition

With Michel Goldman

The aim of the European Health Summit 2020 titled “Bolsetring Healthcare to drive European Resilience“, was to discuss how to create a more resilient healthcare landscape within Europe to avoid future health crisis and economic downturn in the continent. During the summit, we live-streamed 17 high-level panels and interactive interviews featuring over 45 prominent speakers from business, policy, civil society & academia. 

More info.

Webinare “Covid-19 and inequalities" Collège de France - Collège Belgique
With the participation of Michel Goldman et Mathias Dewatripont

Within the framework of the "Covid Initiative", professors from the Collège de France have, for several months, contributed to shed light on the multiple facets of the systemic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, beyond strictly medical issues. In order to broaden and deepen this reflection, the Collège de France and the Collège Belgique, which have maintained fruitful links for many years, have decided to join forces and give this contribution a European and interdisciplinary dimension, taking the time to reflect in depth on the multiple issues of the pandemic. The first concrete elements of this joint action consist of a series of webinars bringing together professors from both institutions to confront their reflections in the form of dialogues on transversal themes. It is organized under the responsibility of Philippe Sansonetti, professor emeritus at the Collège de France (Chair of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 2008-2020) and Michel Goldman, professor emeritus at the Université libre de Bruxelles and co-director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Innovation in Healthcare.

Updated on June 1, 2022